Level 1 - Functional
Verina Yu Zhang


  • Canada



My Contacts

I am Verina, a dedicated yoga practitioner/teacher, and a passionate tennis player. I have lived in four different countries. In some cultures, mental health is still considered a weakness. Most people would hide and try their best to ignore the signs of anxiety and stress. They would get on with their lives while letting stress accumulate in the body until it is too late. My goal is to teach my client to apply functional breathing techniques as preventative and tangible tools in their daily lives. Patrick’s authentic and scientific teaching style, emphasis on bringing all dimensions of functional breathing has benefited me immensely in calming the mind and improving concentration. I want to share my experiences with others and hope it will improve their lives too.

I also manage a group of professionals in a higher education institution. People most often caught in their hyperactive minds in a fast-paced working environment. I want to coach my team with the functional breathing techniques as a constant reminder to connect with the body. To be more energized, calm and productive at work while still maintaining health and wellbeing.

I am based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Open to teach online and face to face to anyone who is interested in learning more about functional breathing.

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