Level 2 - Advanced
James Cooke
United Kingdom


  • United Kingdom



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James is a certified Oxygen Advantage Advanced Instructor. He left the Army after 16 years that culminated in him serving in special forces. During this time, he was diagnosed with PTSD which whilst undergoing therapy led to his interest in functional breathing and how it relates to our response to stress. Gaining an understanding of this and other coping strategies picked up along the way, as well as qualifying as a mental health first aider have been valuable in dealing with the stress of the military and transition into civilian life. He has been able to apply these strategies in his new role in a corporate workplace and continues to use them in his everyday life to improve his general wellbeing.

James is passionate about passing on this knowledge and has worked with clients from all walks of life. He has recently ran group workshops for the military and has undertaken one to one coaching with lawyers, accountants and emergency service personnel to help them to help them understand and manage stress and to excel in their everyday lives.

James recently founded The Wellness Wookie, which is intended to partner with other like-minded businesses to bring people together to share experiences of the outdoors, from surfing to skating, climbing to walking. Whilst doing so promoting a community of shared experience and open conversation around mental health.

Based in Bristol James teaches both face to face and online.

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