Online Sleep Course
For restful sleep, free from insomnia, snoring and sleep apnea.
COST: $60.00
Snoring and sleep apnea can ruin a good night’s sleep. And poor sleep, night after night, makes it difficult to function during the day.
But do you recognize the signs of sleep-disordered breathing?
- Do you feel tired most days?
- Do you frequently lie awake at night, or wake up with a racing mind after only a few hours’ sleep?
- Do you wake most mornings with a dry mouth and smelly breath?
- Do you get up many times during the night, needing to pee?
- Do you breathe through an open mouth at night?
- Do you constantly feel stressed during the day, or find it hard to wind down at night?
- Are you over the age of 40?
- Does your partner complain about your snoring?
If you answered “yes” to more than one of these questions, it’s likely the way you breathe, day and night, is contributing to poor quality sleep.
Try our online sleep course for snoring, insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea. Learn simple breathing exercises to help you achieve the deep sleep your body needs.

The connection between breathing and sleep
The way you breathe during the day affects your sleep. Fast, irregular breathing contributes to poor sleep that leaves you stressed, irritable and unable to think clearly. Even for top athletes, sleep deprivation affects important performance factors like speed and strength.
Whether you want to sleep better for that performance-enhancing edge, or just want to get to sleep at all, it’s time to put your sleep problems to bed.
The learning in this online sleep course is designed to help you get the restorative sleep your body needs
- Learn how your everyday breathing affects your sleep.
- Discover how to tap into your relaxation response, helping you unwind before sleep.
- Understand what causes sleep apnea and how this relates to your habitual breathing patterns.
- Learn about the three dimensions of breathing and why they’re important for better sleep.
- Try patented breathing accessories that will reduce symptoms including snoring and sleep apnea.
- Find out how to retrain yourself to breathe through the nose during sleep.
The Oxygen Advantage online sleep course includes:
- Around 30 video lessons, including a selection of breathing exercises for sleep, available to stream online via your Inspire 360 portal.
- A 30-minute video explaining the theory behind the breathing exercises.
- A downloadable PDF of Patrick’s book Sleep with Buteyko, which explores the breathing exercises and their science and application in detail.
- Lifetime access to all materials, so you can re-watch the lessons any time you want.

Get the OA™ online sleep course today.
COST: $60.00
If you are interested in the connection between breathing and sleep, you may like to read Patrick McKeown’s scientific review into the therapeutic use of breathing exercises for sleep apnea. The review is published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine and co-authored by Doctors Carlos O’Connor-Reina and Guillermo Plaza.